Organisations and Users

Users are a defined number of real people you can invite to share Unitag features on the console. They will always be brought into your Organisations, so having one is necessary in order to use this feature.

When you invite a new User into your organisation, he'll recieve an ivnitation on its mailbox. If not registered, your User will have to follow the registering process on his first visit. Once registered, he'll be able to confirm your invitation in Settings, Organisations tab.

The User will now have access to all your apps, and will be able to create new assets if you allow him to do so.

Add and manage Users

In order to invite a new User:

  • Go into your account settings and click Organisations.

  • Whether you want to invite a new user within your main organisation or a sub-organisation, click the Add button in the Users box.

    Unitag Docs Screenshot
  • Type the invitee mail within the Invite a User section.

    Unitag Docs Screenshot
  • If the mail is valid, click Invite.

The invitation will be displayed under the Users tab, even after it has been accepted by the User. From this section, per row, you can delete the invitation, delete the member or change its role (see below). You can also send invites from this tab.

Unitag Docs Screenshot

Users roles

Users from your Organisation can have two different roles you define by clicking the shield button on each line:

  • Member: Role by default. The Member will not have access to either created assets or Organisation details and options.

  • Administrator: This role allows the User to access some shared assets and to view and manage Organisations and Sub-Organisations.

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