QR Codes & the Logistics Connection

QR (Quick Response) codes are an item coding system that can store various types of information and can be read quickly. They also provide the added advantage of storing large amounts of information. The best part is that they can be scanned easily and are more secure as compared to more traditional forms of information storage. Once regarded as just a fading trend, QR codes have managed to outshine their usability in recent times. Their ease of use and inexpensiveness are features that stand out for leading businesses.

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for reduced touch contact. This is when the use of QR codes increased substantially. A unique way to present information, offer payment options and even offer an alternative to physical business cards.

QR codes in Logistics

The logistics industry has long relied on barcodes to manage inventory, package tracking, and other various supply chain processes. Since companies deal with products of varying sizes and categories, it is important to label them properly. Traditional barcodes cannot be scanned properly if they are dirty or damaged, but this is not an issue with QR codes. They are also more user-friendly in that they can be easily scanned with most devices regardless of how they are positioned. QR codes provide advantages to both the business and the consumer.

Managing Inventory

Since QR codes are able to contain large amounts of information and upload it to a secure server system, you can improve the efficiency of managing your inventory with them. This makes it easier for workers to scan packages as well, and you can store vital details such as product description, time of delivery, and destination. 

Shipment Tracking

Businesses are now able to track the time, location, and amount of scans of a QR code. This can be used for shipment tracking. This is convenient for you and the customer. Because as the package moves to the warehouse, the worker can scan the QR code, and the scan details will immediately be reflected on the QR code’s analytics dashboard.

Product Authentication

To combat counterfeits, QR codes can be implemented for logistics. When the logistics provider scans the QR code they can access the items authentication details and the consumer can also verify the authenticity of the product.

Storing Addresses

Another handy feature is that the QR code can store the address of where a parcel needs to be shipped. This reduces delays and improves the efficiency as the worker just needs to scan the QR code and will instantly know where to drop off the package. Since the address opens on web-based applications such as Google Maps, the courier can avoid traffic congestion and detours.

Cashless Transactions

Most people now prefer cashless payments, which is why logistics businesses can set up payment methods via QR codes for their customer’s convenience. As soon as the customer receives the package, they can just scan the code with their smartphone and instantly complete their transaction without any hassle.

Customer Support

There are times when the customer may receive the wrong item or wants to return or exchange the item that they received. Businesses can integrate a QR code so that consumers can quickly reach out to customer service representatives for further assistance. Consumers can also scan the QR code if they have any queries regarding their order.

Customer Feedback

Brand image is vital to stand out and increase your consumer base. QR codes can be scanned by the customer to give a review of your services or fill out a survey detailing their experience.

Social Media Promotions

Social Media marketing can reach out to an even wider consumer base and improve the visibility of your brand. A QR code can store all your social media pages, and when the customer scans it they will be redirected to your social media on their smartphone.

Connect your Website

A QR code can help boost the traffic your website receives. This way, the customer can access important information regarding your services, promotions and view more products. Increasing the traffic your website receives will move it up on search engine results. So if someone searches for your service, your name will be at the top.

Connect your Business Card

If you want to save on paper, instantly share your details, what your business does then you can do that too with QR codes. Services like VCard+ by Unitag offer solutions for digital business cards. This improves your network as well as whoever scans the QR code will be saved into your contacts database as well.

QR Code Service

The leading QR code service at the moment is Unitag. They offer a seamless experience to their customers and the added ease of an analytics dashboard so that you can find out more about your consumers and their metrics. From QR codes to digital business cards, Unitag can help you obtain more insight into your customers. Their low pricing plans, analytics, and customer support are all features you can take advantage of to improve your business.