Creation of Domain

The steps of creating a Domain :

  • Access Unitag Domain Names management

  • Introduction to adding of a new domain name

  • Request a Domain name

  • Redirect your Domain Name to Unitag Servers

  • Permissions and security

  • Validation of the domain

  • Domains display

Access Unitag Domain Names management

To access Domain Names go through the settings of your account and select Domain names

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Introduction to adding of a new domain name

When no Domain Name has been created a stepper will appear in order to guide you.

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Request a Domain name

First, chose a domain name that will be linked and managed by Unitag. Unitag engine will make sure the Domain Name is correct and available.

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Redirect your Domain Name to Unitag Servers

Either through an APEX or a sub domain, you'll have to redirect the targeted IP address to Unitag's URL. Follow the instruction from the stepper, instruction to apply on your domain provider. For CNAME, don't forget to add the "." at the end of the URL.

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Permissions and security

Chose who in your organisation can access to your domain name and create dynamic-pro QR Codes. (This part is optional). Sometimes you will want to share some Domains Names with part of an organisation, to make sure they create dynamic-pro QR Codes affiliated with their org only.

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Validation of the domain

Once all the steps have been terminated, a validation message will be displayed.

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Domains display

If you own some domain name, they will be displayed in a list with these informations :

  • The status of the domain

  • The information for the SSL activation

  • Who it's shared with

  • The actions possible with it

If your domain isn't showing as "ACTIVE", it means that the DNS propagation is still ongoing or awaiting for the target IP to be modified (on your DNS provider). Click on the refresh button (next to the eye) in order to track progress.

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