In order to create a VCard you need to first create a template, then you’ll be able to create and attach a vcard.
Before starting to customise your VCard, we recommend that you create a personalized QR Code and save it as a QR Code template This is entirely optional but will let you have a fully customize experience with VCards.
A VCard template is the visual identity of your Digital Business Card. In order to create a VCard template, from the application click on “Modèles VCards”. In this page is displayed the list of available templates.
From this page:
To create a new template click on “Créer un Modèle”.
To view and modify an existing template click on the name of the template (displayed in green).
To modify the template’s name, click on the “Editer” button.
The template creation page has five main tabs:
Modèle de base, which determines the shape and way to display the sections of your VCard
Personnalisations du modèle, which allows to modify colors, background, shape, shadows etc.
Images, allowing you to upload and display your company image (optional) which will be put above the VCard. You can also upload a cover picture that will replace the image by default at the top of the VCard.
Informations, allowing to pre-fill fields about your company. This fields will be the one by default showing in every VCard created from this template. They can be overwritten when creating the VCard if necessary.
QR Code, allowing you to select a premade QR Code as your VCard QR Code design. This QR Code will be displayed to anyone scanning your VCard.
You can save all your changes by clicking the “Enregistrer les modifications” button, top right of the screen.
Select the tab “Cartes de visites”. On this page, 3 elements to notice:
A search filter, allowing you to search through your VCards
A creation button, “Nouvelle Vcard”.
The list of existing VCards with the options: “modifier” (modify), “éditer permission” (edit permissions), “désactiver” (disable) et “voir” (view)
Select Nouvelle VCard to start creating.
The displayed page, Profil Utilisateur, allows filling in information about the VCard owner as well as selecting from which template you want to inherit from.
If the Admin account established some categories (department from the menu Administration), it is possible to assign your VCard to this category.
The “Général” section lists all mandatory fields to the VCard creation. There are two specific information to know:
The email to fill is the email of the VCard owner. If the owner is a collaborator on Unitag and is part of your organization, his email will be displayed from the drop down. Otherwise, you can manually enter an email address in the text input located above the drop down.
Check our Organisations documentation.The profile picture has to be a .jpg / .jpeg extension, preferably a square.
One Vcard equals one email address. You can't give multiple Vcards to the same mail address.
If you decide to add an email address from a person not from your Unitag Organization, it won’t be possible to attach the VCard to the user later on if this user joins you on Unitag. Contact support for help if this situation happens.
The tab Informations Bureau & Sections personnalisées allows you to overwrite the information filled from the template if needed. Keep it empty to use the template information.
The tab Réseaux Sociaux allows you to add and display your social network page to your VCard.
To save a VCard click on Enregistrer in the top right corner.